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ACUSON P300 Ultrasound System

Preço: Consulte
The ACUSON P300™ ultrasound system is designed for high performance, mobility, and ease of use. The system enables clinicians to provide patient care in a wide range of clinical environments, across multiple clinical disciplines.

  • Condição: Novo
  • Fabricante: SIEMENS
  • Possui Nota fiscal: Não
  • Garantia: Fabricante
  • Dias para postagem: 30 Dias

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Vendedor de Rio Grande do Sul

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Informações sobre o produto

The ACUSON P300™ ultrasound system is designed for high performance, mobility, and ease of use. The system enables clinicians to provide patient care in a wide range of clinical environments, across multiple clinical disciplines.

A solid compact system designed for high performance and reliability 

The ACUSON P300™ ultrasound system is small and sleek in design, and packed with great imaging performance. This portable ultrasound system delivers excellent image quality and workflow efficiencies enabling clinicians to make confident diagnoses with high patient throughput.

Advanced imaging technologies that come standard provide excellent image quality

  • Advanced spatial compounding to differentiate anatomy
  • Speckle reduction for smooth tissue texture simultaneously and enhance edges
  • Harmonic imaging to reduce artifact
  • Panoramic imaging to display extended field of view
  • 2D beam steering to improve needle visualization


Efficient Workflow

  • Multiple predefined and user configurable presets for each clinical specialty and transducer, for simple operation
  • Multi-tasking capability of scanning while copy/transferring data and patient files
  • Customizable measurement and report packages meet specific clinical needs
  • Single button image optimization for 2D and Doppler minimize key strokes and save time
  • Sleek and mobile industrial design, two transducer ports, integrated power supply, battery operable, built-in DVD/RW drive and three USB ports


Portable Solution Anywhere, Anytime

  • Small footprint that can fit into any clinical environment
  • Easily be on-the-go with height-adjustable cart
  • Battery operation for up to 80 minutes


Suite of Transducers

  • Total of 13 transducers for a wide range of clinical applications
  • 18 MHz linear transducer for high detail resolution of superficial structures
  • Laparoscopic and intraoperative transducers available for specialty applications

Designed to meet diverse imaging needs

The ACUSON P300 ultrasound system provides excellent image quality in a small, portable package for any clinical environment.

  • Provides the ability to scan a wide range of body types, and superficial and deep structures
  • Single linear transducer solution that offers both multi-frequency and harmonic image great for vascular exams
  • High frequency imaging up to 18 MHz is excellent for musculoskeletal, breast, thyroid, and other superficial structures
  • Expanded cardiovascular functionality for routine echo, stress echo, and vascular exams
  • Linear, convex and endocavity transducers support disposable needle guides, and specialty transducers available with laparoscopic and intraoperative capabilities for interventional procedures


Supported clinical applications:

  • General Imaging
  • Cardiology (adult, pediatric and neonatal)
  • OB/GYN
  • Small parts
  • Breast
  • Vascular
  • Anesthesiology
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Interventional Radiology

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